"Das Kollegium schlägt zurück" is another short film I did in collaboration with my friends Christian Göttsch, Björn Haerting and Oliver Janoschek.

We were asked to animate the HTK logo of Hamburger Technische Kunstschule in the style of a THX trailer with some flying spaceships. It was to be shown at the graduation ceremony for another semester.

However, while we were working on the film, we had so much fun and so many weird ideas that we decided to make something bigger out of it.

So we invented a simple plot and took the challenge of incorporating actors in front of a green screen into animated backgrounds.

I was responsible for animating the sequences that are shown below as still images. I also did most of the compositing and editing. In addition I designed the DVD cover and menu and a movie site in Flash.

The film participated in the 2005 Animago Awards and won 3rd Place in the category Education/Animation/Science Fiction.

Click the picture below to play the movie.
Apple QuickTime 7 required.

Click the picture below to open the Flash site.